Most offensive thing I've seen all day

Scott White scott.w.white at
Sat Aug 26 16:46:09 BST 2006

I don't know why anyone would be so offended by it.  Personally I think this
sector is entirely vulnerable from being snatched away from Microsoft and
there is little to no brand loyalty with them.  I see this as no different
from the Edubuntu (which my children proudly use at home) which provide a
child-like theme & children's software out of the box.

Ultimately all of this contributes towards the #1 Bug, removing Microsoft as
the top Desktop Operating system.  Now for those who are offended, perhaps
you should look deep into yourself and discover why you would be offended by
a distribution that seeks to glorify a man who died for you freedom.

Besides, Jesus as a historical figure brought an end to the Roman empire and
initiated many of the freedom and human rights we now stand for.  Sure some
have done evil in his name throughout the history of mankind, but what 2
thousand year religion wouldn't have a few nuts in it.

This is Ubuntu we have a common goal here and lets not let an offshoot of
our favorite Distro get us off track or  divide us.

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