Update Manager / Broken Packages / X Failsafe

Hervé Fache Herve at lucidia.net
Wed Aug 23 17:31:39 BST 2006

On 8/23/06, Micah J. Cowan <micah at cowan.name> wrote:
> > our competitor has already done this sort of things, and serious companies'
> > IT do not roll updates until they feel it's safe to do so
> I don't think it's wise to distinguish between "serious" companies and
> others.

Serious was refering to the IT service, not the company (not obvious
in English, I know).

> And I can't think of any time in the remotely recent past when "our
> competitor" has actually broken a system due to automatic upgrades...

Come to my place and I'll show you a broken driver (official, from
Windows update) hanging up XP, or rebooting it unexpectedly, depending
on its humor! Fix: go to nVidia's site and get their driver. Would
_any_ user think of that?

Hope that clarifies,

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