xorg 7.1
Xavier Dectot
xavier.dectot at free.fr
Sat Aug 19 22:25:05 BST 2006
Le Sat, 19 Aug 2006 15:40:57 -0300,
"Herv__ Fache" <Herve at lucidia.net> a __crit :
> There seem to be some 'solution':
> http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_XOrg_7.1_With_Older_NVidia_Drivers
> Also, nVidia usually reacts positively to changes, as this article
> suggests:
> http://digg.com/linux_unix/ATI_Beats_nVidia_to_Xorg_7_1_Compatible_Drivers
As I happen to be running a gentoo on an nvidia driver, admitedly on
amd64, not on x86, I can say this is a dirty hack, in the sense it
allows to run Xorg 7.1 with the nvidia driver, but with laggy results
and no real 3D accel.
The question has two sides : what is the part of the ubuntu audience
which needs nvidia 3D accel ? notably what is the part of young users
who have been using ubuntu as their main desktop, with cedega for the
games ? Most of those people I know are using an nvidia card and will
consider losing the game side a showstoper.
I agree that we shouldn't be stopped by nvidia's lateness in providing
a good driver (I'm not even aware of a 7.1 compatible beta), but on the
other side I believe they will provide one soon. But must ubuntu go
quicker than that ? I know edgy is supposed to be blleding edge, and I
agree 7.1 is better than 7.0, but even in gentoo, 7.1 is up to now kept
in unstable till there is an nvidia driver available.
For most of my use, nv is perfectly ok, in fact, vesafb on the
framebuffer is. But anyhow, I don't see nvidia lagging long behind ati,
so this problem should solve itself quickly (the last nvidia driver had
other problems apart from this one, so I guess it's not just
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