ubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 24, Issue 22

eigenlambda eigenlambda at gmail.com
Sat Aug 19 15:15:22 BST 2006

> From: Mark Syms <mark at marksyms.demon.co.uk>
> To be fair I think you're not talking about the same sort of photo
> management that Scott is. Someone with a Canon EOS and a full set of
> lenses is likely to be using the RAW modes on that camera. Doing so will
> result in large images (30meg + each on a 7mp camera) that require
> significant post-processing. This is a use case that applies to one of
> my colleagues and he will regularly take 400-500 full RAW images in the
> course of a weekend. You are not going to sit and wait for a 486 with
> 256Meg of RAM to chew through these so you will have a high spec
> machine, in his case an EM64T P4 with 2gig and a big monitor. This is
> close to the extreme end of the photo management use case admittedly but
> it still won't be up there with someone who does it professionally.

That's ok.  mmap()ing photos and intelligently caching thumbnails will
improve performance for that too.

Maybe with better management, even a professional won't need much more
than those high-end specs.

cartwheel ^(^_^)> v(.-.)v <(^_^)^

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