
Ian Jackson ian at
Fri Aug 4 12:05:26 BST 2006

Frank Schoep writes ("Re: firefox-themes-ubuntu"):
> One thing I tried while creating the first version of the Firefox  
> themes was to have the post install and pre-removal scripts add and  
> remove a single configuration line to the shared default Firefox  
> configuration file (somewhere under /etc/firefox IIRC). I'm not sure  
> if we (Ian) discussed this already, but seeing it got removed from  
> the package I'm sure there were good reasons for not taking this  
> approach.

The file in question is a dpkg-handled conffile, which means that it
is buggy for maintainer scripts (or any other software not explicitly
asked by the user to edit that file) to modify it.  Modifying
conffiles causes spurious prompts asking the user whether to keep or
discard changes.

Hence my comments about the unfortunate lack of a non-conffile read by
firefox at startup.


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