Mono required by ubuntu-desktop

Jamie McCracken jamiemcc at
Tue Aug 1 23:09:40 BST 2006

Scott Dier wrote:
> Samuel Cormier-Iijima wrote:
>> Scott, are you sure you're not counting shared memory multiple times?
> Still, even looking at just heap in memory maps, firefox is using 120mb, 
> thunderbird 143, gnome-terminal 130... most of the rest are not nearly 
> as bad.

For maximum memory efficiency (I have a 256mb notepad so I know these 
things) :

Epiphany can be much smaller if you dont use seperate tabs a lot and you 
can keep memory usage  under 50mb if you are careful

Thunderbird is smaller than evolution (typically 40Mb vs 60MB)

Tracker is a lot smaller than Beagle (4 to 6MB for tracker - Beagle 50MB 
+ spikes)

Gthumb is less than half fspot (20MB vs 45MB after importing photos)

I can rull all the above under gnome without swapping on a 256MB machine 
  and still have some to spare (about 20MB) - I doubt you could say the 
same with many of the bigger apps (especially some of the bigger mono ones)

Im not saying we should not include mono apps like tomboy by default but 
all I ask is please keep the default sane for a 256MB machine. If mono 
apps can run comfortably on such a system then great!

(A lot of people actually use Linux cause its memory demands are lower 
than XP - it would be crazy to change this IMO. Im also sure thin 
clients and third world systems would benefit from keeping the default lean)

Mr Jamie McCracken

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