GDM eye candy

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Fri Sep 30 11:13:55 CDT 2005

<quote who="Flavio Martins">

> In my opinion, GDM should "fade in" like xscreensaver already does.  I
> don't think it would introduce any noticeable login delay, and would of
> course look great.  Seeing that usplash -> GDM transition doesn't flicker
> anymore, a fade in effect would make things nicer.

Please file this as a wishlist bug. It would be relatively simple, because
we could use the same gamma fading method that xscreensaver uses - we can
happily dim everything on the screen before it fades in. We couldn't fade
out using this method, but that's okay. We can do crazy COMPOSITE stuff for
that later on.

Definitely not breezy material. :-)

- Jeff

-- 2006: Dunedin, New Zealand     
   "Instead you're doing circle jerks with the Care Bears of Censorship."
                            - Siduri on Slashdot

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