OpenOffice/Gnome file dialogs

George Farris farrisg at
Thu Sep 29 16:02:54 CDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-09-29 at 22:15 +0200, Eric Feliksik wrote:
> Breezy is great, but I still have a big annoyance about OpenOffice 
> (well, actually many, but let's be realistic and within the scope of 
> Ubuntu for the moment):
> The file open/save dialogs are still the ugly old openoffice ones! I 
> know the openoffice.org2-gnome packages intends to fix this, and it can 
> be enabled in OpenOffice-preferences/ However, 
> it's not enabled by default. I heard in Hoary the reason for this was 
> because of stability issues with the openoffice-gnome package.
> Why is fixing/stabilizing the dialog so difficult? It would be nice and 
> user-friendly if openoffice also used the gtk-dialog that people see 
> everywhere.

>From a users perspective this would be really nice to have fixed for
Breezy.  Our users at the College go ape when the file open dialog looks
different.  This is also the reason I would like to see a gconf
setting/filter or some such mechanism to only allow the Application
installer (not synaptic) to see GNOME/GTK+ apps.


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