vga16fb diagnostics

Matthew Garrett mjg59 at
Wed Sep 28 16:47:14 CDT 2005


I'm trying to track down why vga16fb doesn't work on some machines. In 
an attempt to check one thing that may be causing problems, I've written 
a small program that dumps state about some vga registers. I'm 
interested in knowing how the values differ between vga16fb and vesafb. 
If you're having problems with vga16fb, get it from

and do the following:

1) Boot into rescue mode. Ensure that no framebuffer is loaded. modprobe 
vga16fb and then do crtc >vgaregs (you may have to do this blind)

2) Boot into rescue mode with the kernel parameter vga=769 and do crtc 

3) Mail the two of them to me

Please don't do this if vga16fb works for you.
Matthew Garrett | mjg59 at

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