"Unimplemented function" when partitioning with Breezy Preview

Quim Gil qgil at interactors.coop
Tue Sep 27 17:25:03 CDT 2005

I have filed a bug in Malone [1] but since it's related with the Preview
maybe it is better to comment it here.

I have downloaded today Ubuntu Breezy Preview and I'm trying to install
it in a PC.

All the steps go fine until partitioning, when I get this screen:


[!!] Partition disks

      ??? ???

 Go Back Continue


Whatever option I select the result is the same screen. For a milisecond
(or so) :) I can see a column of text "behind" the blue screen that says:

Unimplemented function
Unimplemented function
Unimplemented function
Unimplemented function
Unimplemented function
Unimplemented function
Unimplemented function
Unimplemented function
Unimplemented function
Unimplemented function

The result is that I get stuck here. The only I can di is restart the

The PC is a clone with MS Windows 2000 inside. AMD Athlon processor and
2 disks of 40Gb and 80Gb.

[1] https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+sources/debian-installer/+bug/2619

Quim Gil      http://interactors.coop | http://desdeamericaconamor.org
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