Default fonts in Firefox

Eric Feliksik milouny at
Tue Sep 27 12:03:38 CDT 2005

Carey O'Shea wrote:
> Well, I have problems with it. I find the default firefox font in 
> Breezy really bad on some webpages, for example:
> Breezy:
> Hoary:

I don't like the font-width on , it's too narrow, and 
thus it not relaxing for my eyes. I don't know why the font of was changed, but I was 
perfectly happy with it.

I have no clue what fonts are used or what sizes they default to. My 
criticism is not about sizes - I'm not aware of the differences. I am, 
however, annoyed by the narrow font

Ian Jackson wrote:
>  * Use sans-serif fonts, rather than serif fonts, when the
>    website doesn't specify.

Although serif-fonts on a monitor, now we've got anti-aliasing, are not 
as horrible as in earlier days, this sounds sensible to me.


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