Menu order in Spanish (and others?)

'Forum Post dlist at
Tue Sep 27 04:21:07 CDT 2005

Michael Moore Wrote: 
> Just for kicks I installed Ubuntu in Spanish this time, and I noticed

> that the Gnome menus end up in a different order. Turns out they're

> sorted alphabetically, which is probably what makes the most sense.


Most sense from a grammatical point of view, yes. But from a usability
point of view? Not a chance. I know by direct experience they are
counter-intuitive. It may just be that my knowledge of English and my
customary use of the English language user interface interferes with my
ability of make sense of the Spanish one, but my experience with
teaching non-bilingual speakers how to use Gnome suggests to me that
the problem is with the translation not a PEBKAK.

On the other hand, as most Spanish speakers with some tarnish of
college/university education tend to consider themselves grammarians,
you may end up reading and listening to many contradictory opinions. My
question would be what does the Gnome HID dictates in this case?


> The only thing I worry about is that having the system tools at the

> bottom of the list (in English) is nice as it makes a sort of

> separation for users between normal use programs and admin programs.

> In Spanish, the system tools end up right in the middle of the menu.


> Should this be changed?


I do hope that can be changed. I myself find the present Spanish menu
organization conter-intuitive, short of twisted. Being fully bilingual
I have the choice to use the English interface, but that's a luxury
most Spanish speakers can't, even most people who are theoretically EFL
(English as a Foreign Language) competent.


Alejandro López-Valencia


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