teTeX 3?

Shot - Piotr Szotkowski shot at hot.pl
Sun Sep 25 05:57:54 CDT 2005


Travis Watkins:

> The backports team (the ones behind the original backports) determine
> how well a package works on the older distro and what changes would
> have to be made to get it running (hopefully none). So picking
> packages is still done manually.

Ah, thanks for the replies, Travis and Matt.

So, if at some point I'd like to have a package backported (that's not
backported already), the best route would be to (1) ask the backports
team for including it in -backports, and in the meantime, if I need the
package sooner, to (2) rebuild myself a ...~0shot1 version, right? This
way the "officially" backported version would upgrade mine upon being

-- Shot
               There is no doubt that the first requirement for
               a composer is to be dead.     -- Arthur Honegger
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