Problem with Evolution

Søren Hansen sh at
Fri Sep 23 11:52:54 CDT 2005

fre, 23 09 2005 kl. 16:18 +0100, skrev George Barnett:
> I'm having a problem with Evolution.  I use IMAP and am able to see the
> contents of every folder except my Inbox, which is always empty.

I had that happen to me once. It turned out it was because I had typed
some garbage in the search field. I clicked the "Emtpy" button (or
whatever it's called in English) and there was all my mail...

If that's not it, I have no idea.

| Søren Hansen    | Linux2Go                  | |
| Seniorkonsulent | Lindholmsvej 42, 2. TH    | +45 46 90 26 42     |
| sh at  | 9400 Nørresundby, Denmark | GPG key: E8BDA4E3   |
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