
Brian Puccio brian at
Tue Sep 20 20:36:16 CDT 2005

Why is the on the developer's list and not the user's list?

On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 21:00 -0400, xbaez wrote: 
> Yeah but Ubuntu seems to be totally focused on Gnome.
> At least I don't see that many excitement about Kubuntu and I don't
> understand why

Different things for different people. I tried KDE for a week, hated it,
I'm back with GNOME. I don't see why people like KDE myself. However,
that doesn't mean I question the fact that other people may love it.

> This is without a doubt (Kubuntu) the best distro that I've used, but
> it's a shame that Ubuntu is "divided" in two distros, it should be only
> one distro, I know it doesn't feets on a CD, but the Kubuntu name make
> it looks like it's another distro.

Ubuntu is not divided, they use the same repositories. Since GNOME and
KDE don't both fit on one CD, there needs to be a way to differentiate
between the GNOME based ISO's and the KDE based ISO's. Calling them
different things because they are different makes sense. No one is
forcing you to use GNOME.
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