FEATURE REQUEST: Unbroken screensaver.

Carey O'Shea carey at internode.on.net
Tue Sep 20 07:22:01 CDT 2005

George Barnett wrote:

>What if I dont want to see a password dialogue?
>What if I want to choose the text in a GL screensaver?
>It doesn't have the feature set needed to be complete.  It may do so in
>the future, but that doesn't change the fact that right now, it's a step
I see a check-box that says "Lock screen when active". 

So the features missing in gnome-screensaver are 

(1) power management, 
(2) ability to put in a custom text screensaver, and 
(3) change each screensavers settings. 

Gnome-screensaver would be ok with those 3 features?

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