Easy third-party package installer for debian-based distributions

Sami Dalouche skoobi at free.fr
Sun Sep 18 20:53:11 CDT 2005


I was not able to find the "native package manager integration" feature on
autotools homepage. Do you have any link about this ?

If autotools tackes this problem, it really would be a must !

Sami Dalouche

Quoting Wouter Stomp <wouterstomp at gmail.com>:

> On 9/18/05, Dennis Kaarsemaker <dennis at kaarsemaker.net> wrote:
> > What is really needed is a GUI that takes a .deb, fetches the
> > dependencies via apt and installs the deb. That would however still not
> > solve the problem of missing information in the .deb file.
> >
> Isn't this almost exactly what the autopackage guys are trying to do?
> At least when they finish the native package manager integration...
> Would be great to see this in Dapper!
> Wouter.
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