Very unstable mozilla firefox

Ante Karamatic ivoks at
Sat Sep 17 02:45:29 CDT 2005

On Sat, 2005-09-17 at 09:14 +0200, Sascha Morr wrote:

> I get the URL as a sample for a bad made website 
> on a mailing list and firefox crashes every time i want to open the 
> website with this console output:

Uh. Fine here. Acctually, I have firefox open for couple of days without
problems. You have broken installation of libxp6.

Check for file:


And then check if /usr/X11R6/lib/ is link to that file. If there
is no such file, install libxp6. This is bug in j2re1.4 package. Fix is
on the way...

Ante Karamatic <ivoks at>

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