Rhythmbox plays very interrupted

Michael R Head burner at suppressingfire.org
Fri Sep 16 02:40:08 CDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-09-16 at 08:42 +0200, Martin Pitt wrote:
> Hi Peter, hi Stefan!
> > > I looked deeper into it.
> > > I deleted my /etc/asound.conf and my $home/.asoundrc
> > > breezy ships alsa 1.0.9 so it should be able to dmix without this config
> > > files?
> > > this way it does not play interrupted also while alsa is selected
> > 
> > Thanks for this tip. Works fine now after deleting my asound.conf with
> > dmix stuff.
> Breezy now activates dmix by default, so this should work out of the
> box, right. But I am interested why it broke with a custom
> configuration. Do you still have the original asound.conf around? What
> did you change in it?

I had the same issues. I had been using an asound.conf found somewhere.
Worked fine in hoary, as well as for apps in breezy, except for any that
used gstreamer. That is, libao apps (configured for alsa out) and
totem-xine played and mixed just fine, but r-b and muine and
totem-gstreamer, as well as gstreamer-properties all played choppily.

When I blew away my asound.conf, gstreamer began to work just like the
other apps.


> Also, out of interest, does it make any difference whether you have
> gstreamer output to esd or directly to ALSA now?
> Thanks,
> Martin
Michael R Head <burner at suppressingfire.org>
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