Search Reports in Malone

Bjorn Tillenius bjorn at
Thu Sep 15 06:10:22 CDT 2005

Hi all,

for those of you who don't know who I am, I'm a Launchpad developer,
and work mainly on Malone. As you might know, you will start to track
bugs in Malone instead of Bugzilla in a while, and we're working hard
on making the transition as smooth as possible.

At the moment I'm working on making the bug reports more usable for
you. Currently Malone has an advanced search facility, but it's kind of
crappy, so it was decided that it will be removed (temporarily), and
instead we'll provide a number of pre-defined search reports for you.
We'll start with providing some, and if you later notice that you're
missing some, we'll add them later. But I'd like to get the initial set
of reports as usable as possible, so now I'm asking you, what type of
search reports do you usually use in Bugzilla? Also it'd be nice if you
could explain how you use them, to give a clearer picture of how things
should work in general.

Matt already provided me with the following list:

    At a minimum, I'd say:

    - All bugs assigned to a particular person, able to sort by date,
      severity, package, etc. ("my todo list")

    - All unassigned bugs, similar sort options ("incoming bugs which
      need triage")

    - All bugs associated with a particular source package

    - All bugs in a distribution release >= a particular severity
      ("how buggy is the release", "release-critical bugs", etc.)

    - All bugs with a particular keyword or tag (does Malone have
      those?) ("all security bugs", "all installer bugs", etc.)

Regarding the last point, I can tell you that Malone doesn't have
keywords or tags today. The closest thing to that today is a milestone,
which is meant more to mark bugs to be fixed until a certain date or so.



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