The name of Breezy+1

HC Brugmans hcbrugmans at
Thu Sep 15 02:13:03 CDT 2005

> i dont think its windows...but vista that he maybe referring to. From
> what i've seen and done, as well as several comments from users and
> developers that have had access to maybe the worst
> windows to come out and at the rate ubuntu is goin, it can be a VERY
> tough competitor in the desktop as well as server race. i can go
> on....but thats just my two cents. plus...isnt it ok to dream a little?

Every linux distribution, bsd and macosx that wants to be on the desktop
will have to compete with microsoft. From 2006 onwards, that'll mean
competing with Vista.
Vista might be the most horrible thing to come out of redmond since
98se, but it might just work. At the very least it'll look great on
anything that will support it. People like transparancy and bling. On
that alone, it'll sell. (or just be sold by hardware vendors who /need/
to send new hardware.)
It's not so much what ubuntu will do as what gnome/xorg can pit against
that on the desktop.

This however is the release that *could* and *should* give ubuntu the
same status and reputation within the business word that the likes of
RedHat and Novell enjoy.


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