breezy preview tested

Martin Ericsson i00marer at
Tue Sep 13 15:59:14 CDT 2005

I've had a few problems with the breezy preview.

I've had a lot of problems with CD-burning in Hoary so I tested it 
thourougly in the preview version and burning with both nautilus 
cd-burner and gnomebaker went ok. But after the burning was completed 
nautilus crashed once, and another time I couldn't eject the CD 
'normally'. I had to do a sudo eject /dev/hdc. The error message when 
trying to eject the CD was (invalid argument, could not eject CD). The 
burner is a NEC ND 3540A.

When DHCP fails (since i don't have it) during install, the installer 
just asks me for a hostname and continues with partitioning instead of 
entering manual network configuration. To do it manually I have to press 
"back" and chose it "manual configuration" from a list.

During boot it says that my network card isn't a 8139+ compatible chip 
and suggests 8139too insteaed. So why didn't it install it in the first 
place? It's not really a bug, it works great anyhow, but a little bit 

syslog:Sep 13 02:33:55 clandestino kernel: [4294668.937000] 8139cp: 
10/100 PCI Ethernet driver v1.2 (Mar 22, 2004)
syslog:Sep 13 02:33:55 clandestino kernel: [4294668.937000] 8139cp: pci 
dev 0000:00:09.0 (id 10ec:8139 rev 10) is not an 8139C+ compatible chip
syslog:Sep 13 02:33:55 clandestino kernel: [4294668.937000] 8139cp: Try 
the "8139too" driver instead.
syslog:Sep 13 02:33:55 clandestino kernel: [4294668.939000] 8139too Fast 
Ethernet driver 0.9.27
syslog:Sep 13 02:33:55 clandestino kernel: [4294668.940000] eth0: 
RealTek RTL8139 at 0xd000, 00:02:44:8e:b7:b1, IRQ 5
syslog:Sep 13 02:33:55 clandestino kernel: [4294668.940000] eth0:  
Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8100B/8139D'

During the bootprocess it also says that the "general console font : 
failed". Don't know why, the terminals works great anyhow. Another 
annoying thing is that in the ubuntu device database you have to press 
forward at least two times before it is registered.

Maybe the Add-application program should install all recommended 
packages for the programs? installing multisync gives you a meaningless 
application (since there aren't any plugins installed), and lyx is 
installed without tetex..  A newbie user might be slightly disappointed 
if they don't know how to use synaptic...

I also have problem with the nvidia-glx package with my geforce2 mx440. 
glxgears freezes my computer, but that's nvidias fault I guess.

Everything else works fine, great job!

Martin Ericsson

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