low breezy hard disk performances

Alvin Thompson alvin-ubuntu at thompsonlogic.com
Tue Sep 13 09:21:54 CDT 2005

can people who still have hoary installed post their hdparm parameters, 
the results of 'lsmod', and anything else that may be relevant?


Abel S wrote:
> I have the same problem. Only I did a warty->Hoary-> breezy... i
> figured it was that, and I was going to do a fresh install when Breezy
> was released.
> I'm going to do a freshinstall of Breezy Preview on an older lappy
> later today, So i can see what happens there
> -Abel
> On 9/13/05, The Saltydog <thesaltydog at gmail.com> wrote:
>>I have completely reinstalled Breezy, started from a Colony CD4, and
>>my hard disk performances have not been improved! So, it is not a
>>matter of upgrading from Hoary, nor a matter of some strange module or
>>service I may have running. It is breezy or kernel 2.6.12. Hard disk
>>performances are the half of the ones from Hoary, resulting in slowing
>>down the whole system...
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