Breezy installer resolution

Alvin Thompson alvin-ubuntu at
Mon Sep 12 15:45:27 CDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-09-08 at 13:06 +0100, Matthew Garrett wrote:
> No. Vesafb (which is used if you install with vga=whatever) doesn't work 
> on i810 and i815 chipsets, which make up rather more than 0.1% of the 
> install-base.

then if no current graphics mode works on all computers, perhaps the
install should not use a graphics mode? i understand that some people
think that their computer is more powerful/is working harder if a pretty
picture is on the screen, but it prevents a segment of users out there
from trying ubuntu because the install screens are hosed. you can't
expect the average user to know to add a kernel option to get the
display working.


Alvin Thompson

Navy: 42
Army: 13

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