version of gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg in Breezy

Sami Haahtinen ressu at
Sun Sep 11 03:45:54 CDT 2005

Evandro Fernandes Giovanini wrote:
> Em Sáb, 2005-09-10 às 09:29 -0700, Daniel Robitaille escreveu:
>>I noticed this morning in Breezy  that all the gstreamer0.8 plugins are
>>at a the 0.8.11 version except gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg still 0.8-4.  Is that
>>bug or a feature?
> The -ffmpeg plugin is not distributed with the bigger gst-plugins
> package, they have different release cycles.

Even still, it's out of sync with upstream (0.8.6). I don't think this 
is a bad thing. My earlier testing with the latest upstream versions 
proved the 0.8.5 and 0.8.6 to be less stable than the current 0.8.4.

- S

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