Ubuntu for Small Business

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 9 14:32:57 CDT 2005

On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 12:56:54PM -0400, John Richard Moser wrote:
> What does anyone think about an Ubuntu for Small Business as a future
> Ubuntu subproject?  Resources are probably spread rather thin there with
> all of the Ubuntu subprojects like myuBuntu or Ubuntu Server; so this
> would probably not become an immediate priority.  For scope though,
> something like:
>  - Money clone to handle finances
>  - POS system (there's 500,000 of them on Sourceforge, are any of them
>    any good?)
>  - Inventory (possibly in the POS)
>  - Service tracker (possibly part of the POS)
>  - Customer databasing to look up your old receipts based on your name,
>    address, CCN, etc. (possibly in the POS)
>  - OpenOffice.org (spread sheets, word documents, etc)

If workable open source solutions exist for these needs, then yes, I think
it would make a lot of sense to collect them into a bundle as an Ubuntu

 - mdz

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