sudo didn't work in a fresh install of Ubuntu 5.10 Colony 4

Alexander Botero alex.botero at
Thu Sep 8 04:48:04 CDT 2005

I've burned the CD twice.
I've repeated the whole installation of Ubuntu 5.10 (Colony 4) twice. *
The installed version is 
$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.6.12-8-386 (buildd at rothera) (gcc version 3.4.5 20050809 
(prerelease) (Debian 3.4.4-6ubuntu6)) #1 Tue Aug 30 22:41:30 BST 2005

$ cat /etc/*version*

I have just installed Ubuntu Linux 5.10 Colony
4<>on an empty reiserfs partition. The
/swap and /tmp are shared with other
Linux distributions. I did md5sum-checksum on the downloaded ISO and burned 
the CD very carefully, so there's no error there. Did eveything twice.

Booted up, logged in and noticed that:

1) The "sudo" command failed to do anything at all. It wouldn't run the 
requested command and NO severe error messages appeared except this 

"sudo: unable to lookup 028877116790 via gethostbyname()

I've seen that message in Hoary and any other Ubuntu version. It should NOT 
be a big deal or? 
My /etc/hosts has this line " <> localhost 

$ sudo -s -H <----------------- DID NOTHING 
$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list <----------- DID NOTHING

And the unfortunate situation is that "su - root" doesn't work either. By 
default, the root login is obviously disabled in Ubuntu.
$ su - root <-------------- UNABLE TO DO 
$ su -c <-------------- UNABLE TO DO

None of these work either 
$ /usr/bin/gksudo ls 
$ /usr/bin/gnome-sudo ls 
$ /usr/bin/sudoedit ls 
Analyze it:

I have Ubuntu Hoary 4.05 on the neighbouring partition, so I mounted the 
Colony 4 disk from there and enabled the Colony's root password 
(/etc/shadow). Re-booted into Colony4 and the root passwd and "su -c" were 
now functional.

The installed (bad, corrupt) sudo command in Ubuntu 5.10 Colony4 is:

$ ls -l /usr/bin/sudo
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 93076 2005-07-07 11:44 /usr/bin/sudo 

$ md5sum /usr/bin/sudo

The solution is: (update sudo package !!)

I downloaded a new, updated sudo via

It's actually this file.

$ su -c "apt-get update && apt-get install build-essential" 

$ ./configure && make 

$ su -c "mv sudo /usr/bin"
$ su -c "chown root:root /usr/bin/sudo"
$ su -c "chmod 4755 /usr/bin/sudo"

(some guides say: chmod 4111 /usr/bin/sudo, but I think 4755 is more 

$ ls -l /usr/bin/sudo
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 105595 2005-09-07 19:32 /usr/bin/sudo

$ md5sum /usr/bin/sudo


2) SUDO related bug 
"gksudo /usr/bin/update-manager"
does not start when I click on the red alert-icon.

It runs from commandline.
Fails to run from icon in both Ubuntu 5.04 and 5.10

3) Minor bug in "smeg" menu editor 0.75

$ sudo apt-get install smeg 
$ smeg 
It freezes if you select the top-most item "Applications".
and press the up-down arrows (on the right side). A meaningsless act that 
makes smeg's Python code to loops forever.

4) "Terminal server" applet in "Add to panel" is missing an (icon) image

5) I have several disk drive-icons on the desktop. Very good. 
So I select the "/sda1" icon and press the right-mouse-button, and "Unmount 
volume" from the menu, but it says "Unable to unmount the selected device.
Umount: only root can unmount /dev/sda1 from /media/sda1"

"Disk Mounter" applet gives the same error.

It should do it as superuser (sudo) and ask a password.
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