Colony-4 feedback

Joergen Ramskov joergen at
Wed Sep 7 17:31:22 CDT 2005

I normally run Kubuntu, but I thought I would give you some feedback on 
Colony-4. This is based on the Live CD.

I normally run my monitor (Sony Multiscan 420GS) at 1400x1050 @ 75hz, 
but the only option for me was 60hz.

It didn't mount any of my existing partitions (I have ext3. reiserFS and 
windows partitions). I also couldn't easily find any way to mount them? 
Shouldn't that be possible somehow through Nautilus?

I have a Lacie usb2 harddisk with 2 partitions, 1 is formatted with 
NTFS, the other FAT. I started it after the system was started up, but 
the system didn't find it and gave me no way to mount it.

On shutdown, it stalled when trying to stop the bluetooth service. I 
didn't have any bluetooth devices connected.

Anyway, just my short comments, I don't follow this mailinglist so 
please CC to me if you want more info.

Joergen Ramskov
Jabber ID: pointwood at
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