Impossible to install Breezy Colonny 4

Jean-Louis Berliet jl.berliet at
Mon Sep 5 14:36:05 CDT 2005

I couldn't install Colonny 4 on my system.

At the stage "Installing the base system", i have no problem from 0% to
6% (CD reading), but after i have a lot of messages like "Couldn't
download package ...".
At the end, i have an error window :

[!!] Install the base system
Base system installation error
The debootstrap program exited with an error (return value 1).
Check /target/var/log/bootstrap.log for the details

Remarks :
- I couldn't open the file /target/var/log/bootstrap.log because it
doesn't exist,
- I have a dhcp server on my network (Debian Sarge with dnsmaq), but
without, it's the same problem.
- The commands "ifconfig" and "route" seems corrects.
- I could install Debian/sarge on this station without any problem !

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