breezy colony 4 live CD report

Paul O'Malley ompaul at
Mon Sep 5 14:04:22 CDT 2005


Given the short time lines I am posting here, these fall somewhere
between bugs and comments.
I will try to find out if any of the bugs here already exist on bugzilla
My searching did not show up much except for the first one which seemed
to be similar to others but may be different in its own right.

Firefox points to 5.04 page.
Welcome to Ubuntu Linux 5.04: The Hoary Hedgehog Release

Icon on panel which kindly told me to reboot asap as I had a new kernel. :)

Mouse problem: scrolling button fails to operate at all.

Unable to change the desktop's wallpaper.

gksu not found when I tried to run as a different user
(I had set one up)

Requested a new login screen and was offered the same choice three times.
It offered 'Standard Server' with a radio button.
It could have gone to new login screen without checking.
New login screen worked okay logged out and was met with a password
request for the screensaver for user ubuntu.
What I did next: used a terminal, found the pid of the xscreensaver,
killed it with -9, went back into session no mouse.
Ctrl + Alt +Backspace
Auto login by user ubuntu
Used that for a bit, tested some more components.

Seven: (really six (a)):
Used Lock Screen
Locked screen password is not blank.
Perhaps xscreensaver should not have a password box checked?
kill -9 of xscreensaver no useable gnome - no gnome just a flashing
cursor top left hand side of screen.

reboot command worked :)


Paul O'Malley

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