Colony 3 report

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Fri Sep 2 09:33:00 CDT 2005

<quote who="Ivan Krstic">

> Finally, from the we're-all-usability-experts-now department, I think the
> default firefox home page is pointless: way too much text that people
> won't read. I'd prefer it was replaced with a pretty splash page with two
> links on it: Ubuntu on the Web, and About Ubuntu. The latter could then
> lead to the text-heavy page we have in place now. I use about:blank as my
> home page, but would gladly have stayed on the default home page that
> Ubuntu ships were it just a pretty splash page.

Great recommendation - thanks. I'll see if the art team has anything up
their sleeves for this. :-)

- Jeff

GNOME Summit: October 8th-10th    
   On a clear day, I bet you can really see the class struggle from that
                            penthouse of yours.

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