matt nicholson sjoeboo at
Mon Oct 31 12:57:38 CST 2005

i've been using ubuntu for about a year now and have basically nothing 
but positive things to say about it all along. i was in the hoary and 
breezy development builds early in the game and plan to do the same 
with dapper.

this weekend i installed breezy on my girlfriends pc for her, and for 
the first time ever (i never needed to before) used the installers 
ability to resize an NTFS partition.

i was wondering if it would be possible to add some sort of 
dialog/progress bar/ something to this progress in the installer. once 
i opted to resize and said "okay" the installer almost seemed to hang. 
i knew it was doing something from all the disk activity, but it never 
showed anything but a completely blank blue screen with the grey/white 
status bar at the bottom, saying nothing.

i just think that, during the phase of resizing a partition which, for 
a new user may be scary, and can take a bit of time, some progress 
bar/dialog, at the very least letting them know its "working" would be 

keep up the great work. i wish i was at UBZ.

mat nicholson
sjoeboo at

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