Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Fri Oct 21 15:46:14 CDT 2005

On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 10:26:22PM +0200, Hervé Cauwelier wrote:
> Matt Zimmerman a écrit :
> >That init script is obsolete and should be automatically removed during the
> >upgrades (this is true in my own upgrades and tests).  There seems to be a
> >corner case somewhere where it isn't removed; there is a bug open in
> >Bugzilla to track this.  I suggest you add your comments there.
> I still have it but I can't find the report.
> Also the script contains "There is no longer any need to run this script 
> on bootup or shutdown. It must remain in /etc/init.d/ for now, though, 
> because certain other scripts expect to find it there." You can confirm 
> all those dependent scripts have been updated?

I searched bugzilla for "/etc/init.d/alsa".

 - mdz

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