Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Fri Oct 21 14:50:24 CDT 2005

On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 08:26:27AM +0200, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> I've just had a final straw experience, with yet another person asking about
> the 'Ubuntu Server' CD, assuming it's functionally different from 'Ubuntu'
> in general (it is not - the server CD just has a different selection of
> packages on it, and does a minimal install by default).

The announcement was pretty explicit about the differences between the two
CDs, though perhaps we could further emphasize the similarities.  The
differences are important, though, and there are good reasons why we provide
this CD.

> Something I've heard a few times now: "Oh man, I just installed a my server
> with the Ubuntu CD, and you guys just released a server version, now I'll
> have to install that!" 

Unfortunate, but I'd much rather hear that than "I love Ubuntu, but I can't
put it on my server because it's a desktop distro" (which I have heard a LOT
more of).

> So, I tend to think we need to strongly link 'Ubuntu' and its applicability
> as a server so this kind of confusion doesn't set in. Here's my suggestion:
> We should always list the server CD as a 'flavour' of the official Ubuntu CD
> set, much like the LiveCD. For example:

This makes sense to me, but there are technical difficulties in making the
change at this point (directory layout on the mirrors and such).  Let's
definitely BOF this out for Dapper though.

 - mdz

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