Lorenzo E. Danielsson lordan at backa97.org
Fri Oct 21 13:59:10 CDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-10-21 at 20:02 +0200, David Oftedal wrote:
> Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > You could join the MOTU team and help fix them in the archive. :-)
> >
> >- Jeff
> >  
> >
> I don't actually know how to make a .deb package, but I guess that might 
> be an option. These packages really ought to be in main, though. Is 
> there a guide on making packages out there somewhere? I'd hate to be the 
> one responsible for breaking input method functionality for the few 
> people it works for.
> -David

You don't need to be able to create .debs. There are others who can do
that. You may want to help to work out what framework or frameworks
would be needed to get input methods working for different languages,
and to make sure that it works well in different environments.

I'm limited by the fact that I mainly need Japanese input to work,
mainly use Gnome and that most of my experience has been with UIM. 

Homepage: http://lordan.backa97.org Blog: http://blog.backa97.org
Jabber: lordan at jabber.earth.li, lordan at jabberme.net 

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