Release management thoughts for Dapper Drake

Scott Robinson scott_ubuntu at
Sat Oct 15 14:55:28 CDT 2005

I too am not a developer in the Ubuntu project. I have only contributed
bug reports and an infrequent patch. However, this proposal seems to be
predicated on an argument that isn't clearly supported?

The idea is to change the release system that has worked to this point
in order to develop an Enterprise system. The worry is that without the
additional time to stabilize, dapper won't be enterprise ready. (?)

What makes the release team think this? Ideally, much of the previous
stabilization work put in hoary/breezy has been pushed upstream.
Furthermore, there has been separate development done in the Debian
repositories. In general - I don't see where this argument comes from.
The system has worked to create stable desktop releases to this point?

If anything, modelling from RHEL, it would seem wiser to extend support
for breezy. What goals are accomplished otherwise that aren't handled
that way?

Finally, there is a certain amount of truth toward the Ubuntu image of
"stabilized Debian." I know that I would inevitably be forced to move
from Ubuntu given a total divergance/fork situation. (not trying to even
open the definition debate)

Anyway, that's my opinion. Take it given the intro as salt. ;-)


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