support for sane-backend genesys

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at
Thu Oct 13 05:20:22 CDT 2005

* Sami Haahtinen 

| Alexander Gleich wrote:
| > I tried to install a Medion MD6228 USB-Scanner.
| > There is a backend called sane-genesys
|  > ..
| > But apparently, this backend is neither included in libsane nor
| > libsane-extras. Further, it is still Version in the current
| > Breezy release. Newest version is 1.0.16.
| Genesys backend is included in the latest backends. I'd love to see it
| in Breezy, but currently my hopes are in backports after release.

The genesys backend in upstream (non-experimental) CVS is out of date
(it's from May, iirc).  I have hacked in new and shiny support in some
local packages, but I haven't made them available for general
consumption due to, well, it being a random CVS snapshot (from the
experimental CVS tree, mind).  I could update and put those packages
where people could get at them.

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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