Breezy AMD64 install not working.

Karl Hegbloom hegbloom at
Thu Oct 13 05:18:00 CDT 2005

I downloaded the AMD64 install CD from:

... to install it into my brand new (built it today) Athlon-64 computer.
It does not work, but the Hoary AMD64 Live CD I have does work fine.  I
have not tried the Breezy AMD64 Live CD yet.

It will not work at all unless I tell it not to use a framebuffer.
Then, it gets to where it's installing the kernel, and right about the
time that finishes, the screen goes whacko, with flashing characters and
stuff.  The computer is deadlocked, as far as I can tell.  There is no
keyboard and I must reset.

Any clues?

Karl Hegbloom <hegbloom at>

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