Feature Request: LDAP configuration

Loiosh dé Taltos loiosh at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 17:13:59 CDT 2005

Resend. I directed this to wrong email last time:

My company just finished a remote OpenLDAP roll-out for one of our larger
customers. Sadly we couldn't find a nice GUI for them to create the users
and passwords in. They just use it for centralized logins.

Required modifications to the nsswitch.conf file, libnss-something.conf file
and one other conf file and the users still cannot use passwd to change
their account passwords.

A nice Ubuntu-flavored LDAP tool would be magnificant.

The GUIs we evaluated:
1. Directory Manager: Pumps out error messages in Spanish onto stdio. Likes
to corrupt the database weekly and cause slapd to crash -and- cannot create
new schemas.
2. GQ: Last updated in 2003, no longer actively maintained
3. LDAP Browser/Editor: Last updated in 2001
4. Yala: Lovely looking, but, last updated in July 2004
5. kLDAP: KDE ldap. Couldn't evaluate (Gnome enviroment)

Additionally we had to find (difficult) two schemas to support linux PAM.
I'll have to locate the files again and give a list of all the hoops it
took. So I'll add a big smile to this suggestion. =)
--- The White Mink ---
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