dist-upgrade from Hoary to Breezy

Christian Beutenmueller flatline at web.de
Sun Oct 9 08:11:07 CDT 2005

Evandro Fernandes Giovanini schrieb:
> Em Sáb, 2005-10-08 às 19:32 +0200, Christian Beutenmueller escreveu:
>>- "Invisible" widgets on the logout screen of Gnome (only the text is 
>>visible), other Gnome/Gtk applications aren't affected by this problem 
>>AFAIK (I can send a screenshot or open a bug, iff anyone is interested).
> That's very weird. Do you have the Composite extension enabled in your
> Xorg configuration?
> If you backup your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and try to reconfigure the
> server from scratch (dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg), does the problem go
> away?
It was a configuration problem. A newly created user didn't show that 
problem, so I just copied all the basic configuration files of gnome to 
my homedir and everything was fine. (I have backuped the old files, if 
someone wishes further investigation into that issue)

Besides: Is it intended that only parts of the xserver-xorg 
configuration dialogues are properly translated to German?


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