Issue report for Breezy latest

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Fri Oct 7 10:40:30 CDT 2005

On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 07:53:33AM +0200, Andreas Schildbach wrote:
> Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> >>(
> >
> >We may be able to fix this for final, but considering that it has had so
> >little testing, it's pretty unlikely.  Of course, the odds would be better
> >if a bunch of folks tested the patch.
> Then at least the last patch should be undone. When the issue was 
> opened, the keys were just ignored. Now, they lock up the system. Note 
> that this most likely applies to a lot of Dell laptops. Please let me 
> know what I should test.

On further consideration I think the patch is right out, and if anything we
should deactivate these keys for 5.10.  Please follow up to Bugzilla
regarding this issue.

> >>Bluetooth PIN authentication does not work out-of-the-box: I have to 
> >>manually edit hcid.conf and change pin_helper to /usr/bin/bluepin;
> >>(
> >
> >This seems to work for others, and the bug is waiting for more information
> >from you.
> I thought it was waiting for Sri.

It's waiting for more information from someone.  Anyway, the issue is not
clearly understood yet, and we won't delay the release to figure it out.


Not a showstopper by any means.

> >> The installer allows and sometimes even forces installing on partitions
> >> smaller than the minimum install size. The installation then errors in
> >> the middle of the process.
> >> (
> >
> >Only seems to affect very small disks which are barely large enough for
> >Ubuntu, and as such is low priority.
> All of these three issues appeared in a not-so-custom situation: I 
> installed Breezy in addition to Hoary on a 60 GB drive. Granted, I only 
> had about 1.2 GB free, but this is exactly what I'm saying that 
> situations like these should be detected and handled somehow. I believe 
> a lot of people have such issues with Windows being the first 
> installation (apart from the swap space reuse issue).

It's a bug, and it's being tracked in Bugzilla.  There isn't time to fix it
properly, and we won't delay the release for it.

 - mdz

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