Release candidate live cd report

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Thu Oct 6 13:35:00 CDT 2005

On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 05:10:39PM +0200, Wouter Stomp wrote:
> Hi,
> Just downloaded, burned and tried the rc live cd and overall it is
> working great. But there still are some issues which I think really
> need to be fixed in the following week:
> - About ubuntu doesn't work

As you noticed, this is already in Bugzilla and marked to be fixed for
the final release.

> - The lock screen function did nothing (it is disabled) but it is
> still in the menu... a little bit confusing, clicking on something and
> nothing happens.
> related to

This is much better than having it lock the screen.  You don't want to do
that on the live CD, where it is by default impossible to unlock.  As you
can see in #7150, it is supposed to disable the menu entry as well, but this
is cosmetic, and not a showstopper for the release.

> - A few of the best and most popular screensavers ubuntu ships with
> (really slick screensavers from the rss-glx package) don't show up in
> the xscreensaver dialog, it would be a shame too ship the package but
> having people not be able to use them.

If the fix is simple and unintrusive, OK to fix for final.

> - Browsing from the disks manager lets you browse as root, we might as
> well put a link to 'sudo nautilus' in the menu... Everywhere you are
> advised against doing too much things as root/sudoer and here it goes
> all unnoticed, there is no sign at all that you have sudo rights. I
> would suggest removing the browse button as a temporary solution for
> breezy if this isn't fixed.

A minor issue, but if it can be disabled simply and safely for the release,
that is fine with me.

> - The disks manager doesn't mount ntfs partitions properly. If this
> isn't going to be fixed for breezy final, a notice that you won't be
> able to mount your windows partitions with it would be nice as a
> temporary solution, especially because this is the tool a newbie will
> try to use to access his windows partitions.

Unless this is a regression from Hoary, it is a low priority for the

> - The windows part of the cd contains old versions of all programs
> (firefox and thunderbird 1.0.2, openoffice 1.1.4 etc.)

Has been tracked in Bugzilla since before RC and is already fixed:

> - The faq guide mentions synaptic as the easiest way to install
> software and advises to install all the programs mentioned in the faq
> guide with it, ignoring one of the best new features of breezy!
> - Faq guide: tells you to install realplayer manually instead of from
> the multiverse repository
> - Faq guide: upgrading ubuntu is upgrading from breezy to breezy
> instead of dapper and forgets to mention to have ubuntu-desktop
> installed

Report bugs in Bugzilla for these.

 - mdz

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