Trying to add a bug in malone to deskbar-applet

HC Brugmans hcbrugmans at
Wed Oct 5 08:59:20 CDT 2005

Miguel Rodríguez Pérez wrote:
> I'm trying to add a bug to the new deskbar-applet package in malone
> but the software complains that there is not deskbar-applet package in
> ubuntu...
> Not knowing when I could be able to submit the bug report I decided to
> send it to this list.
> Title: GConf schema files installed in wrong location
> Description: deskbar-applet is installing the gconf schemas file under
> /usr/etc/gconf/schemas/ instead of /etc/gconf/schemas.

As to it not being in malone, bug the malone guys, file a bug on malone,
or complain in #malone.
As for deskbar-applet, that's only one of many bugs in this sexy bit of

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