ntp.ubuntulinux.org? (was: Race condition during startup?)

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at ubuntu.com
Sat Oct 1 18:20:04 CDT 2005

On Sat, 2005-01-10 at 21:06 +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Ricardo Pérez López <ricpelo at ono.com> [2005.10.01.1448 +0200]:
> >    Synchronizing clock to ntp.ubuntulinux.org         fail
> >    Error: Temporary failure in name resolution
> Why ntp.ubuntulinux.org? Why not pool.ntp.org?

how about using ntp.ubuntu.com  since everything else in ubuntu-land is
going away from the ubuntulinux.org domain?

But with that said, having every single computer with ubuntu installed
by default pinging a single ubuntu server at every boot via ntp seems to
be a great opportunity and/or big-brother'ish way to get good statistics
of how many (and who) uses Ubuntu in the world.

That may or may not be a good thing depending on your personal level of
paranoia/privacy  (personally I couldn't care less that the ubuntu
people know that I'm running ubuntu on 2 of my computers)

Daniel Robitaille   
  Email: robitaille at ubuntu.com   Jabber: robitaille at jabberme.org

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