Fwd: DependencyInit

Till Varoquaux till.varoquaux at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 04:38:02 CDT 2005

Oups, Forgot to reply all...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Till Varoquaux <till.varoquaux at gmail.com>
Date: Oct 1, 2005 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: DependencyInit
To: Scott James Remnant <scott at ubuntu.com>

This sounds extremelly promissing...

However I wonder how well shell scripts are suited for this. Maybe
python could come in handy. And again Python is probably to big of
dependency for an init system...
Oh well, whatever turns out keep us posted. I'd be more than willing
to test and, who knows, I could even contribute...

On 10/1/05, Scott James Remnant <scott at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-09-30 at 19:20 +0200, Stephan Wienczny wrote:
> > what is the current state of this new init-System? Who is working on it?
> >
> I'm planning a set of different specs for UBZ; my general feel is to
> have a reworked event-based system based on sysvinit for dapper (which
> we need to be long-term supportable) with something like launchd in
> universe which can be dropped in for those that like it -- then dapper+1
> will get it as the default.
> Rather than just plain "set of scripts with dependencies" I'm very much
> looking at a completely event-driven system ... rather than having a
> script that checks filesystems and another that mounts them, you'd just
> have a udev rule that checks and mounts things in fstab when there's a
> block event and kicks launchd to say "/usr is available, can you start
> anything else?"
> This sounds initially scary, but it actually becomes a whole lot more
> bullet-proof as it means the same things work on boot as when you plug
> in a removable disk; you could even have a daemon that started when your
> iPod was plugged in for example.
> Scott
> --
> Scott James Remnant
> scott at ubuntu.com
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