WPA Supplicant and Dapper?

Reinhard Tartler siretart at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 09:41:51 GMT 2005

> Will Dapper integrate WPA?
We have the package wpasupplicant in universe since hoary. I'm using
it myself on a regular basis to connect to wpa secured networks. It
requires manual configuration, though.

>  I see that Network Monitor is going to be
> used; but fixing the network configuration applet in
> system->administration->networking is also an important matter. I
> specifically disabled WPA on my network to use Ubuntu because I don't
> want to screw with it; I'm sure other user won't want to jump through
> hoops either.

There is a Spec for bringing Network Manager in main, so yes, we are
working on bringing NetworkManager in main for dapper. Currently NM
does not integrate wpasupplicant yet (AFAIK), but there are plans for
integrating that upstream.

For gnome upstream, I filed
http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=161376, but I don't know if
gnome upstream will handle this in time for dapper.


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