Florian Diesch diesch at spamfence.net
Sun Nov 27 12:45:41 CST 2005

On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 02:33:25PM -0800, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 11:07:00PM +0100, John Nilsson wrote:
> > I simply meant that if you know that root is on an USB device this can
> > be (and probably is) reflected in the parameters to the kernel.
> It is impossible to distinguish between SCSI, SATA and USB devices based
> solely on pathnames.

Maybe there could be an additional kernel parameter that contains
what subsystems have to get loaded (or not loaded).
This way there could be a save default settings and an easy way for the user
to tweak things for faster booting.

Es gibt Leute, die von sich behaupten "wenn ich Kaffee trinke, kann ich
nicht schlafen!". Bei mir ist das umgekehrt: Wenn ich schlafe, kann ich
keinen Kaffee trinken.  [Juergen Ilse in de.alt.folklore.urban-legends]

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