Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Thu Nov 24 14:26:04 CST 2005

Hi Ivan!

Ivan Krstic [2005-11-24 17:30 +0100]:
> Colin Watson wrote:
> > Yes. However unless we want to screw over our early adopters (which
> > seems like a poor PR strategy) we have to live with this as best we can.
> It seems like there are reasonable automatic upgrade paths here, though.
> We can check for existence of the admin group, and if it's not there,
> add it, move UID 1000 into it

That would be wrong. Adding the group is fine, and giving it sudo
privileges *if it did not exist before* is fine, too, but putting
users into new groups is wrong.

We should not aim to force admins to use the admin group. sudo can be
configured much more flexible, it seems wrong to me to castrate this
flexibility as long as we really ran out of alternatives.


Martin Pitt
Ubuntu Developer
Debian Developer

In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates?
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