Ante Karamatic ivoks at
Sun Nov 20 05:40:45 CST 2005

On Sun, 2005-11-20 at 22:19 +1100, Rod Lovett wrote:

> I wonder does Mark Shuttleworth really use Kubuntu 64, if so he may
> still be less than impressed.

You started your mail with wrong attitude...

> 1) Still no KDE root login, and, oh dear---- I hear the zealots
> already tut-tutting how one should never, never gui login as root etc

No one can produce operating system that will suite everyone out of the
box. Ubuntu policy is to not create root account and not allow root GUI
login. This is not a bug, this is a feature. If you don't like it, you
can change it.

> 2)Firstly one cannot edit sources.list from the root terminal (after
> sudo  passwd so it works first). Then trying to run via root terminal,
> kate or konqueror they will not open, so one is up the creek without a
> paddle.

I don't use KDE, but I can imagine that this has something to do with
"su -". You can run vi /etc/apt/sources.list. But if you really want
kate or some other GUI application, you can open normal terminal and
start it with sudo or su, but not with su -. I do like that root
terminal starts with "su -" and I op for not changing that.

> 3)K3b no cdrdao and not available without editing sources.list if you
> can!

cdrdao is in universe repository. Neither is impossible to change
sources.list and neither it that a problem for vast majority of users.

> 5) Thunderbird opens no weblinks in mail, and mozilla-browser has no
> mail option.

You could say that this with thunderbird is a bug, but that works very
well in Gnome, since thunderbird open enviorments browser.
Mozilla-browser is browser, not a whole suite. mozila-mailnews is
package that will add mail and news client for you browser. This package
is in universe.

> Is Kubuntu 32 dapper the same?


> Good luck, Kubuntu 64 will get there yet.

Thanks. But next time, plase go to ubuntu at since these
questions shows lack of understanding how ubuntu works.

Ante Karamatic | 0xD3BDA225 | 0x0A4A0161
ivoks at | ivoks at |
"Tomorrow is my day off, so please stay off the powder!"
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