Anders Karlsson trudheim at
Sat Nov 19 02:04:58 CST 2005

Good morning,

[Re: skge, A7V600, lockups]

On 11/16/05, Stephen Hemminger <shemminger at> wrote:
> Yes it is controlled by BIOS/ACPI, not driver

After several days of crashes, lots of swearing and troubleshooting
blind, friday morning resulted in me tweaking yet another thing to see
if it helped. Switched from the NVIDIA proprietary driver to the open
'nv' driver. System has been stable since.

Many apologies for pointing the finger at skge when I should have
pointed it at NVIDIA. I have this morning in the post received the
null modem cable, so I can now troubleshoot things with more detail.

Have a nice weekend all,

Anders Karlsson <trudheim at>

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